
作者: bmzz | 时间: | 浏览: 999 | 留言: 0 | 分类: 学无止境

10 11


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Oracle Cloud Always Free (始终免费) 试用部分业务

作者: bmzz | 时间: | 浏览: 2582 | 留言: 0 | 分类: 买定离手

10 11


  甲骨文的Oracle Cloud Free Tier于2019年09月,在原有的30天免费试用300美元的免费赠送金额。基础上,新增了新的Always Free(始终免费)服务,供所有用户无限期地试用部分Oracle云基础设施。现有的Oracle Cloud客户可以自动访问Always Free服务-无需重新注册。

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Amazon LightSail 3.5刀/月 KVM-512MB/20GB/1T 日本

作者: bmzz | 时间: | 浏览: 1008 | 留言: 0 | 分类: 买定离手

09 25

日本 $5测速:



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作者: bmzz | 时间: | 浏览: 1925 | 留言: 2 | 分类: 算不出来

09 09


Consider a special type of animal known as an Ewwok that reproduces following the rules below:
An Ewwok dies six months after it is born. That is, if an Ewwok is born in month 0, it will die in month 6.
An Ewwok gives birth to two Ewwoks every two months until it dies. That is, if an Ewwok is born in month 0, it will reproduce in months 2 and 4. It does not reproduce in month 6 or beyond.
In each month, among all the Ewwoks that have been alive for exactly three months, there is one that dies. That is, if there are n (n > 0) Ewwoks that are born in month 0, one of them will die in month 3.
Given an integer initial representing the number of Ewwoks born in month 0, and an integer m representing a month, your task in this question is to write a program that calculates and returns the number of Ewwoks alive in month m.

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安装和使用Cloud Foundry CLI命令行工具

作者: bmzz | 时间: | 浏览: 943 | 留言: 0 | 分类: 学无止境

03 28

1.1. 安装Cloud Foundry CLI客户端

  所有预编译的客户端可以在 这里 下载,所有命令都可以在 这里 查看这里以linux为例:

# 下载 Linux 64-bit 二进制文件
curl -L "https://packages.cloudfoundry.org/stable?release=linux64-binary&source=github" | tar -zx
# 移动到 /usr/local/bin ,或其他可以加入$PATH环境变量的地方
mv cf /usr/local/bin
# 然后试着运行一下 cf CLI
cf --version

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